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DCHC Minutes 1-27-2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Call to order

Oceana Rames, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:45 AM.

Attendees included: Julia Burgess, Jacque Cage,  Valerio Destefani, Cindy Doyle, Judie Flanders, Chris Knowles, Sarah Kuh, Patsy McCornack, Karen Meeks, Paddy Moore, Oceana Rames, Bob Tonti, Susan Wasserman,  Terre Young           Guest: Nancy Phillips

The minutes of the December 9th meeting could not be approved as attendance did not provide a quorum. Please note, we all woke up to snow and ice.

Nominating Committee: Chris Knowles; The two tasks this committee has taken on are to bring new people to membership with a balance of appointments in each category and each year, and to create an understanding of associate membership.  For new members, the known candidates are Michael Loberg, consumer; Connor Smith, High school rep; Nancy Langman of ICC, 1 year as a professional/practitioner and Nancy Philips of Island Health Clinic and Diane MacKeller from Vineyard House as  professional/practitioners, for two years. Chris Knowles will retain membership as a representative from the Tribe. The County Commissioner position remains vacant as Tom Hallahan is unable to make our meetings due to schedule conflicts. The Associate Commissioner of Public Health position is open as Chris has moved to the Tribe position. Could we have a discussion regarding what the role is, job description, what we want? As for ex-officio members, we are working under the assumption that associate county officials are invited and have a vote on matters. They currently are Russell Smith, Sara Kuh, Joann Murphy, Theresa Manning, Mike Joyce, and Connie Teixeria, as well as an associate commissioner for fisheries. We discussed inviting all associates; they will receive minutes and agendas and have voting rights and not count against a quorum. We will ask them to participate because they bring expertise and information. Shall we review by-laws now as members of ex-officio status have grown significantly since by laws were written? The nominating committee will meet to follow up on these items.

Rural Scholars: Patsy McCornack; Our job today is to choose a topic for the scholars fall project. Michael Loberg has offered a project proposal on Lyme disease; Paddy Moore, mental health and addictions work group; and Sharon Claus Zanger, a project on mental health. Unfortunately, only Paddy was present to discuss her project. Discussion was held concerning an on line vote due to limited voting members present. We decided that voting on line eliminated the opportunity of discussion which each project deserved. A second meeting was suggested to finalize this process of choice. Everyone is excited to have three projects to choose from. It was suggested that two projects be chosen and the UMass student make the choice. Or, we offer two projects for more students. Decisions will be made at a future meeting.

Announcements: Susan Wasserman recommended a New Yorker article. “Hot Spots”. The article is about a doctor using innovative techniques and new approaches to ways of reducing health care costs.

Bob Tonti announced that VNA is holding a flu clinic aimed at children 2 and older. It will be on Saturday at the high school.

Lets Move MV is having their first meeting on Feb. 2nd. They will start a three month fitness program in March. She is looking for committee members and ideas for how to get people excited. She recommends the books “Spark” by Dr. John Ralte. Excellent read, connecting fitness to brain power.

Sarah K reported on Healthy Vida will attend our February 24th meeting devoted to health disparities.

Oceana adjourned the meeting at 9:15 am.           

The next Dukes County Health Council meeting will be held on Thursday, February 24th at 7:30 in the Public Safety Building in West Tisbury.      

Respectfully submitted, Terre D. Young